Decorating Your Living Room in 5 Easy Steps

July 15th, 2009

For any family, their reputation with guests greatly depends on the appearance of their living rooms. Living rooms are one of the most important parts of any family’s house. It is the place where a family entertains guest, may it be a relative, a neighbour or even co-workers.

The living room would tell a lot about how the family maintains the house. Having visitors admire your living room can be one of the most fulfilling moments in your everyday life. It takes a lot of work to achieve that praise-worthy living room that every guest comes back for. To serve as your guide, here are 5 easy steps in decorating your living room:

1. It’s best to know first what style would you want for your living room. Thinking on how the living room would look like as a whole is a good way to set the theme for the space. You can mix any idea that comes to mind, may it be country with a touch of modern style or a dark shade to paint your walls and light-colored furniture to make it stand out.

2. Start off with your floor tiles; seal both tile and surrounding grout with a water-based floor varnish. To know what type of water-based floor varnished would be best to use, ask your home improvement retailer or any other experts in this field for opinions. For the walls, it would be better to put bold colors that are sure to put some dramatic effect to your living room. If you don’t fancy the bold wall color effect, try painting an accent wall. This type of design does not overwhelm the whole room and still leaves a good impression.

3. For the windows, try to choose curtains that would complement the design style you have chosen for the whole room. Try adding rich looking fabrics to give that luxurious feel to your room. The curtains are the elements that usually bind all the room decorations together, so make sure they are a perfect match.

4. Lighting should be taken seriously. A living room is all about mood, and lighting greatly helps to set that mood. Using fluorescent lights overpower any mood for your living room with its strong emission of light. Try adding a few lamps in your living room. They are a great help for building that cozy feel in your living room. Candles can also be a contributor in decorating your living room. Put them along with candle holders with different colors and sizes to help achieve your living room decorating ideas.

5. The last but certainly not the least tip in decorating your living room is putting art on the walls. Different art works posted on the different parts of your living room helps bring the whole living room together. It also adds a personal touch at the same time and tells something about your interests. Photographs are also a form of art may they be family photos or black and white landscapes. Just make sure not to overdo it. Always keep it simple and free of clutter, so it would not ruin the atmosphere you are trying to establish.

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