Balancing uniqueness with classic style in your home decor

June 20th, 2011

One of the most impressive things in home decoration is something homemade and original.  Something that you made yourself shows creativity, passion, focus, and persistence, as well as your great sense of taste!  But unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to find the time, energy, or creativity to create these works of art yourself.  For a little while, it was possible to buy wooden items that looked hand-carved or decorations that looked like they were made out of other, easily available pieces.  However, these are getting more and more common and more noticeable.  Now, if you want to make your home decor look unique, people will call you out on any products that “look” homemade.


Instead, right now it’s actually better to choose designs that are obviously not homemade, as long as they show a classy and refined taste.  Being able to show thought and creativity in arranging tasteful and carefully chosen items is just as impressive as designing items yourself, and people won’t think you’re trying to look as though you’re making items yourself, which is considered tacky nowadays.


When considering how to arrange items to decorate your home, strongly consider following “patterned” ideas of decoration, such as traditional folklore ideas or more complicated methods such as Feng Shui.  Again, this may seem a little unoriginal, but sometimes other people will have a difficult time telling  if you were trying to being original, or if you just had bad taste in your decorations.  By using an established method, people know that you have some idea what you’re doing.  From there, feel free to make small additions to the style to make the whole house feel like your own.


Home decoration is a very intimidating process because it’s challenging to combine your own personal ideas and creativity while maintaining a sense of style that shows guests you aren’t just throwing your random thoughts out there. However, with a little bit of advice from your friends, you can find a happy medium between stylish and original!

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